Revision Mastery

Revision support services for the International Baccalaureate (IB) provide invaluable assistance to students seeking to excel in their IB examinations.

Our comprehensive services are specifically designed to cater to the unique demands of the IB curriculum, offering targeted guidance and resources across various subjects. From personalized tutoring sessions to comprehensive study materials, these revision support services ensure that students gain a deep understanding of the syllabus and develop effective revision strategies. Skilled instructors and subject experts offer insightful feedback, clarify complex concepts, and help students master essential exam techniques.

With our expert guidance, students can navigate the rigorous IB program with confidence, ultimately maximizing their potential and achieving outstanding results.

In particular, students will get:

  • 5 (90 mins) workshops for SL subjects
  • 8 (90 mins) workshops for HL subjects
  • Mock Exams + Individualised Feedback
  • Flexible subject selection

The tentative schedule for Revision Mastery courses is:

IBDP YearPeriodDescription
1ChristmasStudents choose up to 6 subjects to revise in. Greater emphasis on thorough understanding of specific syllabus elements and Approaches To Learning (ATL) skills. Understanding of assessment criteria and development of effective assessment strategies.
1EasterStudents choose up to 5 subjects to revise in. The syllabus coverage has been greater since Christmas, so revision sessions aim at refreshing and reinforcing knowledge gained, with a greater emphasis on applying the knowledge at the IB assessment level. Exam-taking strategies are key here, preparing students ahead of their end-of-year exams (which usually play an important role in teacher’s decision around the predicted grade).
1SummerStudents choose up to 4 subjects to focus their IB DP Year 1 revisions on (it’s suggested that HLs are preferred versus SLs). The revision workshops cover:
– Review of key concepts and methodologies taught in each subject during Year 1.
– Relevant exam-taking mastery strategies.
– Exposure to assessment criteria and past-paper practice.
2ChristmasStudents choose up to 3 subjects to focus their initial rigorous IB DP Year 2 revisions on (it’s suggested students pick their HL subjects, unless they feel particularly weak at an SL subject). The revision workshops are mostly past paper practice-based, focusing on developing key exam-taking skills to students alongside emphasising the most critical syllabus elements.
2EasterStudents choose up to 3 subjects to focus their final rigorous IB DP Year 2 revisions on (again, it’s suggested students pick their HL subjects). Classes are comprised of students with similar grade aspirations and are focused on honing exam-taking skills through extensive and targeted past-paper practice. Instructors use question banks with layered level of difficulty. The mock exams held as part of this revision bootcamp are of utmost seriousness, following exactly the IB standards and allowing students to gain final insight into what they need to focus on for the final days of their revision. They also realise which exam-taking strategies work for them and which not, so as to use the perfect “toolkit” in their official IB exams in May.